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Hello all, I have a desktop application which I developed with the Qt framework. In terms of backward compatibility on OSX I have a problem: The app is compiled on 10.15 and works fine on 10.15 and 10.14. This binary also launches with 10.13 but at some point throws an errors about missing symbols in libSystem.B.dylib Can anyone explain me how to approach this issue ? Thanks in advance, best Alex
by jazzalex.
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Hello all,I am running the platform and OSX has so far been my favourite OS. For some reasons a couple of users report that the app does not show up in the security settings (mic and camera access) so that it is not possible to process audio and video streams this way.Question 1: Does any know what to do if an app does not show in the security settings ?In order to bypass this issue I released a terminal starter script based on an Apple Script app which contains the following single line:do shell script "/Applications/"It solved the issue because it runs the app via terminal which per se allows mic access. The interesting issue in that context is that once I sign and notarize the script (just as I do with the app above) it does not work anymore.Question 2: Has anyone experienced this kind of issue as well and probably knows why this is the case ?Thanks in advance,bestAlex
by jazzalex.
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Hello all,I am running the platform and have two problems:1.) On some machines with Catalina and Mojave the app does *not* show up in the security settings and in turn no sound in processed within the application which is built with Qt using the portaudio wrapper. Can anyone advise how to approach this problem ? I currently have no idea how to address it.2.) As a workaround I created an Applescript based Starter Script which does:do shell script "/Applications/"in order to run the app via terminal which has not such security restrictions. This script is also deployed as an application side by side with the software. It works fine, however, once I sign and notarize the script it does not work anymore - in this case again the restrictions prevent audio from being processed. Is this a bug or a feature ?Thanks in advance,bestAlex
by jazzalex.
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Hello all,I have a Qt-based application which want to sign with my new development certificate. I picked a Type: Developer ID Application because it shall be distributed outside the Apple store via a DMG-Download.So - I received the new certificate, installed it on my keychain. Then I signed the app:soulalex@alexandarotsMBP SJC % codesign --deep --force --verify --verbose --timestamp --options runtime --sign "Developer ID Application: Alexander Carot (92C65YCLK8)" ./ ./ signed app bundle with Mach-O thin (x86_64) [com.yourcompany.soundjack]Now I verified it: soulalex@alexandarotsMBP SJC % codesign --verify --deep --strict --verbose=2 ./ ./ valid on disk ./ satisfies its Designated RequirementAfterwards the problem is that the application crashes which is not the case without the signature: soulalex@alexandarotsMBP SJC % ./ dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/QtMultimediaWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtMultimediaWidgets Referenced from: /Users/soulalex/Desktop/wip/XP-shared/Soundjack/SJC/./ Reason: no suitable image found. Did find: /Users/soulalex/Qt-5.14.2/5.14.2/clang_64/lib/QtMultimediaWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtMultimediaWidgets: code signature in (/Users/soulalex/Qt-5.14.2/5.14.2/clang_64/lib/QtMultimediaWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtMultimediaWidgets) not valid for use in process using Library Validation: mapped file has no cdhash, completely unsigned? Code has to be at least ad-hoc signed. zsh: abort ./ soulalex@alexandarotsMBP SJC %Can anyone help ?Thanks a lot in advance,bestAlex
by jazzalex.
Last updated