I deleted Xcode 12.0.1 and manually downloaded the new version 12.1 from the Apple website. Since then it works again.
After changing the following setting on the Apple TV I was able to connect via Xcode:
Open "AirPlay and HomeKit" under the settings on the Apple TV.
Make sure "Allow Access" is set to "Anyone in the Same Network". Was on "Only People Sharing This Home" for me previously.
Since I made this change, everything works fine for me again.
With the following code it works in tvOS 14 and higher:
import UIKit
@IBDesignable class VisualEffect: UIVisualEffectView {
var _blurRadius: CGFloat = 90
var _style: UIBlurEffect.Style = .dark
@IBInspectable var blurRadius: CGFloat {
get {
return _blurRadius
} set (radius) {
if(_blurRadius != radius) {
_blurRadius = radius
if #available(tvOS 14.0, *) {
let neweffect = BlurEffektView.effect(with: _style)
neweffect.blurRadius = blurRadius
effect = neweffect
blurEffect = neweffect}
} else {
blurEffect.setValue(radius, forKey: "blurRadius")
/// Blur effect for tvOS >= 14
private lazy var customBlurEffect_tvOS14: BlurEffektView = {
let effect = BlurEffektView.effect(with: .dark)
effect.blurRadius = blurRadius
return effect
/// Blur effect for tvOS < 14
private lazy var customBlurEffect: UIBlurEffect = {
return (NSClassFromString("_UICustomBlurEffect") as! UIBlurEffect.Type).init()
private var blurEffect: UIBlurEffect!
override init(effect: UIVisualEffect?) {
guard let effect = effect as? UIBlurEffect else {
fatalError("Effect must be of class: UIBlurEffect")
super.init(effect: effect)
sharedSetup(effect: effect)
self.effect = blurEffect
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
var effect: UIBlurEffect
if #available(tvOS 14.0, *) {
effect = customBlurEffect_tvOS14
} else {
effect = customBlurEffect
sharedSetup(effect: effect)
self.effect = blurEffect
private func sharedSetup(effect: UIBlurEffect, radius: CGFloat = 90) {
let raw = effect.value(forKey: "_style") as! Int
let style = UIBlurEffect.Style(rawValue: raw)!
if #available(tvOS 14.0, *) {
let newEffect = BlurEffektView.effect(with: style)
newEffect.blurRadius = blurRadius
let subviewClass = NSClassFromString("_UIVisualEffectSubview") as? UIView.Type
let visualEffectSubview: UIView? = self.subviews.filter({ type(of: $0) == subviewClass }).first
visualEffectSubview?.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
self.blurEffect = newEffect
} else {
let UICustomBlurEffect = NSClassFromString("_UICustomBlurEffect") as! UIBlurEffect.Type
let newEffect = UICustomBlurEffect.init(style: style)
newEffect.setValue(1.0, forKey: "Scale")
newEffect.setValue(radius, forKey: "blurRadius")
newEffect.setValue(UIColor.clear, forKey: "colorTint")
self.blurEffect = newEffect