




`InvalidProviderToken` when trying to send push notification to second app
I am using a Key to connect my notification server with APNS in order to send out notifications to users. I have recently added notifications to a second app of mine, using the same notification server to fire off notifications for both apps. However, any notifications going to the second app return the error InvalidProviderToken, where as I get no such issues when send notifications to the first app. Everything, including the payloads, are exactly the same between the two apps, the only difference is that the device IDs are attached to different apps. Does anyone know why/how this would happen and how I can resolve it?
Oct ’24
Push notifications functions never triggered
I've spent over a day on this so I'm hoping someone on here has some idea as to what is going on for me. I've implemented push notifications in my app, but when I send a notification to a device, none of the receiving function are triggered. When the app is in the background, the notification arrives correctly, and when tapped it correctly launches the app - but the didReceiveRemoteNotification function is never triggered, so I'm unable to handle/react to the notification. When the app is in the foreground, neither the willLaunch or didReceive functions are triggered. I'm setting the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate in the willFinishLaunchingWithOptions function, and when I monitor the app via the console, it shows no errors and shows willPresentNotification delivery succeeded I have updated the Background Modes to include background fetch, background processing, and remote notifications. I have also tested this on both the Xcode simulator and a physical device with the same results. I've also tested this with push notifications coming from my server, push notifications coming from the CloudKit console, and just dropping a JSON file onto the simulator. All resulted in the same behaviour. Does anyone have any idea why these functions might not be triggered??
Oct ’24