




Reply to iOS 16.4 webview can not debug in safari web inspector
Cordova team fix this bug with the release of Cordova platform iOS 6.3.0 (see Cordova blog post: If you cant update your Cordova iOS platform for any reasons, you can update yourself the CordovaLib/Classes/Private/Plugins/CDVWebViewEngine/CDVWebViewEngine.m file. Open your project in Xcode, go to the CDVWebViewEngine.m file, search for the lines: WKWebView* wkWebView = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:self.engineWebView.frame configuration:configuration]; wkWebView.UIDelegate = self.uiDelegate; Then add following line and save. Re build your project and it should works (solution found here) WKWebView* wkWebView = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:self.engineWebView.frame configuration:configuration]; wkWebView.UIDelegate = self.uiDelegate; if (@available(iOS 16.4, *)) { BOOL allowWebviewInspectionDefault = YES; wkWebView.inspectable = [settings cordovaBoolSettingForKey:@"InspectableWebview" defaultValue:allowWebviewInspectionDefault]; } I also recommend using Safari Technology Preview instead of Safari for debugging with web inspector. Good luck.
Apr ’23