Hello, I'm a small developer and I'm struggling to fix an error I get only under iOS 14. Now I can't restore my IAPs. I developed a Children app, that has books. After the books have been purchased and downloaded, if the user deletes them or delete the app, they can't restore the purchases. But this only happens on iOS 14. Any help would be deeply appreciated.
These are the steps and errors we get along the way.
Step1: Purchase product
Step2: Wait for download contain
Step3: Once the download contain complete remove app and install again
Step4: Tap on a product that you buy last time to restore this particular product
Step5: After restore success received restored transactions and start product content downloading
Step6: Once downloading finished “SKDownloadStateFinished” call and get the download.contentURL.absoluteString
Step7: After copy the downloaded content from “Caches” to another place issue has occurred.
• System information (device model and OS version number) IOS 14.2
IPhone 11
Also on iPad Pro 9.7
iOS 14.4
But I assume this error happens on all devices.
ViewController.m - https://developer.apple.com/forums/content/attachment/a4cc249a-80d1-4fdb-b9b2-22ee75efd772
The errors we get in Xcode:
META-INF: operation not permitted
713068: Operation not permitted
And we got we got this file path for ios 14. if (@available(iOS 14, *))
std::string text = [zipFolderPath UTF8String];
std::string textfind = "Caches/";
std::size_t found = text.find(textfind);
if (found != std::string::npos){
text.insert(found + textfind.size(),"StoreKit/");
zipFolderPath = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:text.c_str()];
Any ideas why we can make iAP to work?