I'm trying to migrate from Complication with CLKComplication to WidgetKit.
I have implemented the required methods in https://developer.apple.com/documentation/widgetkit/converting-a-clockkit-app, but the migration is not working. There is no evidence that the method for migration is also called.
It was the same with Xcode 14.0.1 and Xcode 14.1RC.
class ComplicationController: NSObject, CLKComplicationDataSource, CLKComplicationWidgetMigrator {
@available(watchOS 9.0, *)
var widgetMigrator: CLKComplicationWidgetMigrator {
return self
@available(watchOS 9.0, *)
func widgetConfiguration(from complicationDescriptor: CLKComplicationDescriptor) async -> CLKComplicationWidgetMigrationConfiguration? {
return CLKComplicationStaticWidgetMigrationConfiguration(kind: "MyWidget", extensionBundleIdentifier: "com.example.myapp.mywatchkitapp.mywidget")
What's wrong? Has anyone been able to migrate?