That's not very convenient, is it?
Maybe mention this somewhere in the documentation so people can choose up front so they don't need to do the work twice?
That was it.
Next time please release the build and the symbols simultaneously. Thanks ;)
I also tried deleting all simulators in ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator but that didn't change anything
But my app needs to be compatible with WatchOS 8.
Simple question: what if the data format in your model does not correspond with how you want to show it on screen? E.g. it's not simply a String in your model that you show in a TextField component, but you need to split it over 3 different TextField components and merge it when you put it back in the model?
Unless I am mistaken I haven't seen one word about converting data.
Is it ok to pass environmentObjects to a stateObject using .onAppear if we want that state object to help us manage the data to be read/written in the environmentObject? Just so we don't clutter the View struct with lots and lots of code? For instance when creating code to edit a user profile, where a lot of validation is needed?
struct EditPersonalInfoView: View {
@StateObject var userDataValidation = UserDataValidation()
@EnvironmentObject var userInfo: UserInfo
var body: some View {
List {
.... /* a bunch of fields here, validation code inside `userDataValidation` */
.onAppear {
userDataValidation.initialize(userInfo: userInfo)
We can't pass the userInfo object to userDataValidation in the constructor, for obvious reasons.
I agree with @Appeloper. I started applying what has been said in this thread in a project I started from scratch and it makes a lot more sense. It's not perfect (but what is? Especially sometimes issues with threading and the use of @Published vars) but it makes the code a lot more compact, and I'm pretty sure that if I were to go through the code with @Appeloper there would be more gains made because I just arrived in the land of the "converts".
When you talk about big projects the use of "rigid" design patterns makes things even worse. I had the "luck" of working once in a VIPER code base. OMG. The amount of files is just staggering. If I see now that a company requires knowledge of Clean architecture / VIP / VIPER to work on their stuff I steer away. What a load of bloatware, hundreds and hundreds of files that don't really serve any purpose except for "adhering to the principles". In a way it becomes so "modular" that nobody understands what's going on anymore and lots of files just serve as "data passages" not doing anything useful. And most of the advantages of using this kind of architecture isn't even exploited (e.g. testability, but the entire codebase contains no tests. Or in theory you can swap out an interface layer for another, but let's be honest, how many projects actually have to do this? Especially if you write Swift, it's not as if you are going to plug a HTML frontend on your app all of the sudden).
Can confirm this is still the case in Xcode 14.3. It's a bloody nightmare. I refuse to work fixed price on Apple Watch projects because it's impossible to guess how much time you lose with this. For a complete project it amounts to several DAYS lost in rebooting phones, watches, Xcode, computer etc. And that's without the nightmare that is your watch app connecting to your iPhone app without issues while the iPhone app in Xcode claims it can't connect to the watch app because it's not installed .... currently on day 2 of trying to get that fixed.
Same here:
The specified file could not be transferred.
Code: 7000
User Info: {
DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2024-04-14 18:03:46 +0000";
NSURL = "file:///Users/jorismans/Downloads/com.sweel.sweel%202024-04-14%2020:03.39.386.xcappdata/AppData/Library/WebKit/WebsiteData/IndexedDB/v0";
Performing a file system operation failed: Failed to open Library/WebKit/WebsiteData/IndexedDB/v0 for reading, openat(2) returned POSIX error code 62 (parentParam = 64)
Code: 11001
Failed to open Library/WebKit/WebsiteData/IndexedDB/v0 for reading, openat(2) returned POSIX error code 62 (parentParam = 64)
Domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain
Code: 62
Failure Reason: Too many levels of symbolic links
I have exactly the same issue. Logs disappear after a few seconds and I can't scroll back to them.