Thanks - yes, exactly this is the problem here, the crash appears only for alerts with no actions. I use them for progress messages which disappear automatically if the work is completed.Adding a 'dummy' action fixes the crash, but to make the alert disappear you have to press this button.Calling [UIViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion:] executes the completion code,but does not hide the alert.Is there a solution without this dummy button?Is it possible to use the NSAlert from AppKit directly here in an UIKitForMac app?
I have the same problem - what is service name for resetting the location permissions in macOS 11.1?
Is there a list with all the available service names?
I have exactly the same problem - although all information in the .plist file and the localized InfoPlist.strings files is there,
my app gets rejected and I don't know how to reproduce the issue.
Does anybody knows a solution for this?
This can be done by adding an macOS plugin which has access to the whole AppKit API.
Then you can set the desired appearance there at runtime, for example:
NSApplication.shared.appearance = NSAppearance(named: .darkAqua)
For more information please see this StackOverflow question:
How to set dark mode for NSToolbar in macOS Catalyst app?