




App review rejection due to business model issue
Hi, I have built an app for my company where we are providing users to purchase our food bars via the app and then what they purchase , we will deliver to people in conflict effected or disaster effected areas. The purchase is done via stripe and apple pay. The food bars are made of Spirulina and is full of energy and protein. Currently this is available via our web platform. My app was rejected as my company is not a recognized non profit. I would like to know how I can get my app approved. The only viable option given for me via app review was to take my payment screen to a web platform as donations. However I would like to know if the issue is that the app is making users believe they are donating, by me changing the wordings, images , and structure of the app to ensure users know that they are purchasing the food bars and we are only delivering, will is help is app being approved by app store review.
Nov ’24