




Reply to RealityKit texture sampling behaviour
Here's a more direct example of the issue... in the image below, the upper gradient is a material that uses a textured image, the bottom gradient is generated from within the shader. The two gradients should be identical but the image textured material is noticably darker in the middle ranges. I imagine there's a reason for this, anybody know why the texture sampler behaves like this? gradient image texture: gradient shader graph:
Dec ’24
Reply to RealityKit texture sampling behaviour
Hey there, thanks for chiming in. The issue is that the texture sampler in the shader graph seems to see a (0.5,0,0) pixel in the texture image as something like (0.21,0,0) for example. The equivalent metal operation would be something like: constexpr sampler s(address::clamp_to_edge, filter::linear); float4 s = tex.sample(s, float2(0.4,0.2)); // expected float4(0.5, 0, 0), got float4(0.21, 0, 0); Does lighting affect the value of the texture sampler?
Dec ’24