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We have configured the push notification service (Server-provider) to communicate with APNS with hostname: and Port: 443. APNS request is going successfully but from APNS to device (iPhone 6S ) not coming. We have whitelisted the above port and other ports also(2195, 2197). but. still not able to receive the notification. We have also cross verified with the old and it's working fine but with new, not working. Could someone from Apple Community help us to get resolved this issue? Thanks in advance!!
by idktanwar.
Last updated
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When I click on the UISearchBar keyboard is popping up and get hide automatically. It calls the Endditing delegate of UISearchBar automatically without pressing return or enters key from keypad. The same scenario is not happing when I am running an app on iOS v10.2 in iPad air. I am using xcode 10+.inspite of when I am building the same app from the lower version xcode 8+ keypad is not getting hide when clicking on UISearchBar.Your helpful suggestion will gratefull to me. Thanks in advance for your valuable response to my query.Code:-(BOOL)searchBarShouldBeginEditing:(UISearchBar*)searchBar{ [[KeyboardHideShow getInstance] setScrollRectToThisFrame:[searchBar convertRect:searchBar.frame toView:self.scrollView]]; if(!self->_normalSearchPopOverController) { [[KeyboardHideShow getInstance] setUp_With_ScrollView:nil]; //Table view created to auto-populate search result list in popover controller [self setTableViewController:[[UITableViewController alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStylePlain]]; [self->_tableViewController.tableView setDelegate:self]; [self->_tableViewController.tableView setDataSource:self]; //To add the transparent view [self addTransparentView_For_NormalSearch_And_AdvancedSearch]; //To present the Popovercontroller with table view controller [self setNormalSearchPopOverController:[[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:self->_tableViewController]]; [self->_normalSearchPopOverController setDelegate:self]; [self->_normalSearchPopOverController setPopoverContentSize:CGSizeMake(POPOVERWIDTH,350)]; [self->_normalSearchPopOverController presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem:self->_searchBarButtonItem permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionUp animated:YES]; return YES; } return NO;}
by idktanwar.
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2 Replies
Hi team,I am calling UISearchBar control for search then it presents the table view controller inside the UIPopovercontroller but as soon as it calls the ShouldBeginEditing delegate callback of UiSearchBar then it Automatically the ShouldEndEditing Delegate callback of UiSearchBar control.The above scenario is happening with Xcode 10 + version. The same scenario is not happening with Xcode 8 version. Please find below the code and guide me where I am wrong. Thanks for Help.Code:-(BOOL)searchBarShouldBeginEditing:(UISearchBar*)searchBar{ if([searchBar isEqual:_normalSearch_SearchBar]) { [[KeyboardHideShow getInstance] setScrollRectToThisFrame:[searchBar convertRect:searchBar.frame toView:self.scrollView]]; if(!self->_normalSearchPopOverController) { [[KeyboardHideShow getInstance] setUp_With_ScrollView:nil]; [self setTableViewController:[[UITableViewController alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStylePlain]]; [self->_tableViewController.tableView setDelegate:self]; [self->_tableViewController.tableView setDataSource:self]; [self addTransparentView_For_NormalSearch_And_AdvancedSearch]; //To add the transparent view [self setNormalSearchPopOverController:[[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:self->_tableViewController]]; [self->_normalSearchPopOverController setDelegate:self]; [self->_normalSearchPopOverController setPopoverContentSize:CGSizeMake(POPOVERWIDTH,350)]; [self->_normalSearchPopOverController presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem:self->_searchBarButtonItem permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionUp animated:YES]; return YES; } } return NO;}
by idktanwar.
Last updated