APP start VPN process code:
BOOL suc = [self.providerManager.connection startVPNTunnelWithOptions:options andReturnError:&startError];
if (startError) {
SLTunWarn(@"start tun error %@ %@", startError, startError.localizedDescription);
SLAPPError *err = (SLAPPError *)[SLAPPError fromSystemError:startError];
SLTunInfo(@"call startTunnelWithOptions success, start wait tun status");
startVPNTunnelWithOptions return success, and then the app log is
[TUN] system notify: [Disconnect]
[TUN] sys tun status [1]=>[2]
[TUN] system notify: [Connecting]
[TUN] system notify: [Connecting]
[TUN] system notify: [Connecting]
[TUN] sys tun status [2]=>[1]
can see that VPN state changed, from disconnect to connecting and finally disconnect
VPN Process Code:
- (instancetype)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
[[SLEGlobalData shared] onLaunch];
NSLog(@"PacketTunnelProvider init");
self.wormhole = [SLEWormhole shared];
NSLog(@"init end");
return self;
the log "PacketTunnelProvider init" in init func shows, but not any other logs. So near certain startTunnelWithOptions not be called.
And app process did not receive any errors.
this problem occur occasionally。
Most of the time, VPN process start successfully.
So Any suggestions?
Is there any way to change the dns resolve result for NSURLSession or CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost?
for example:
set DSN resolve to ?
Since iOS has double sim card devicesHow can I konw the user is using which sim to provide the 3G or 4G network ?The function: serviceSubscriberCellularProviders only provide a way to get sim card info, but not any info about the network.