Hey Matt,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
Couple of follow up questions here -
I understand that this line of code gives us the VPNManager which is currently associated with our application. Is this correct?
let manager = NETunnelProviderManager()
After making changes in the configuration values, we have to save this to Network Extension preferences like this?
manager.saveToPreferences(completionHandler: completionHandler)
And then we reconnect the tunnel something like this -
NETunnelProviderSession *session = (NETunnelProviderSession *)manager.connection;
NSError *error = nil;
NSDictionary *options = @{/* tunnel key/value args */};
[session startTunnelWithOptions:options andReturnError:&error];
Thanks for the reply,
I had a few questions, if my app does not have this entitlement, will the default data protection still be present?
Secondly, as you mentioned, how can I explicitly add data protection to my files? can you share an example?
Hi, can anyone please answer this query?
Can someone pls reply to this queries?
Thank you for the reply, here are the details -
What version of iOS are you testing this on?
What version of macOS?
What version of Xcode do you have installed?
Are you looking for ARP traffic on the Wi-Fi interface? Or some other Ethernet-like interface?
On Wi-Fi interface, the device is connected to wifi, we are capturing ARP traffic on rvi0 interface created from rvictl.