




AppleLanguages not taking effect after app restart (sometimes)
Hi, I'm calling UserDefaults.standard.setValue(["ru"], forKey: "AppleLanguages") to change the app language with my GUI, and then I ask the user to restart the app so the change will take effect. The problem is sometimes, after setting the AppleLanguages UserDefaults, and restarting the app, nothing changes, and the app Locale.current.identifier stays the same. Most of the time it works, but when it doesn't, I have to set the value and restart the app multiple times before it finally changes the language. I have no idea what the problem is related to since it appeared in one of the versions and nothing changed in the part of setting the language. i've tried calling UserDefaults.standard.set instead of UserDefaults.standard.setValue, or calling synchronize(), but nothing worked. Any help will be appreciated.
Oct ’22
Critical alerts entitlement not showing while creating a profile
Hi, I requested a Critical Alert Notifications Entitlement and got an email that it was approved. In Identifiers > my app name > Additional Capabilities I can see the Critical Alerts, which I enabled and saved. But if i go to Profiles, and create a new provisioning profile, I select "iOS App Development", my app id, certificate, and selecting devices. I don't see where I chose the Critical Alerts Entitlement. I just get to name the profile before creating. no entitlement option. The template does apply to this platform or distribution type. (ios development, ios app). How can you help me fix this issue? This is very important for our application. Thanks.
Jun ’21