




Reply to Built for macOS not UIKit for Mac
I tried adding the CFLAGS as you mentioned but it still failed.The changes I have done is -* added the CFLAGS=-target x86_64-apple-ios13.0-macabi* I ran against the sdk - iPhoneSimulatorBut it failed with the below mentioned error no matter which sdk I use :ld: building for UIKitForMac, but linking in .tbd file (/Applications/ built for iOS Simulator, file '/Applications/' for architecture x86_64clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1And the similar error I get if i run it against iPhoneOS sdk.I believe somewhere I have to specify the linking option but not sure where.Can you please suggest what is wrong here? I am stuck at this place.Thanks.
Aug ’19
Reply to Built for macOS not UIKit for Mac
I have the same issue while creating xcframework for my framework to support sdks - iphoneos , iphonesimulator and macos. I tried to do the same on macos catalina beta with xcode 11 beta 5. I was able to create archive for sdks - iphoneos and iphoneSimulator but I am facing issues while using -sdk macos.I getting error :.... error: 'UIKit/UIKit.h' file not found#import <UIKit/UIKit.h> ^<unknown>:0: error: could not build Objective-C module 'MyFramework'** ARCHIVE FAILED **I searched and found that UIKit framework is only available for iOS and not for macos.So, not sure how to achive this. Really appreciate if someone can help here.
Jul ’19