




Comment on Critical alerts on CarPlay don't open the app on tap events
Hello, Thank you for the answer, but what about launching the app in CarPlay using other notifications? It also doesn't work. I also don't understand why the critical alerts are shown in CarPlay if I cannot control them (hide, tap, ..). Also, the sound of the critical alerts is played using the iPhone's speakers, can I use the CarPlay's speakers for that? I already read the documentation, but nothing is explicitly mentioned regarding my points.
Oct ’24
Comment on Critical alerts on CarPlay don't open the app on tap events
Hello, Thank you for the answer, but what about launching the app in CarPlay using the normal notifications? it doesn't work as well. I wonder why the critical alerts are shown in the CarPlay if I cannot control them (hide, tap, ..). Also, the sound of the critical alerts is played by the iPhone's speakers and not the CarPlay's speakers, is there a way to change this? I already read the documentation, but nothing is explicitly written regarding my points.
Oct ’24