The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 300.)
I get this error when I try to add multiple shazamcatalogs on a single SHCustomCatalog. The fact that the operation is called add(from:) and not 'load' lets me suggest that it's meant to use that way. Am I wrong?
And yes, both work work if I just add one at a time.
let catalog = SHCustomCatalog()
do {
try catalog.add(from: url1)
try catalog.add(from: url2)
} catch {...}
Also, fun fact: I was working on a ShazamKit myself before dubDub and it's a really fascinating topic and so awesome to see how well it works, great job! 👏
To use the code from SE-0279:
func transition(with view: View,
								duration: TimeInterval,
								animations: (() -> Void)? = nil,
								completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
transition(with: view, duration: 2.0) {
		//executes as completion
//doesn't work
transition(with: 1)
animations: {
This calls the completion: method without providing a label. But as far as I see there's no way of only passing animations: without a completion:...
is this intended?
Hi,On the website it clearly states:> You may include third-party open source licensed code and/or public domain images and sounds, with credit and an explanation of why it was usedBut the application form has only a "Did you use open source software?" essay.And afaik, software ≠ resouces. Should we still put it in the same essay or use the one about our playground, or should we put it in the comments at the end?-Thanks