




Reply to How to disable digital crown to scroll a List in swiftui
Sorry I posted the wrong code. Here is the MainView MainView var body: some View { if (notificationRB == true || DEBUG) { TabView { RingBellMainView(requests: [], delegate: delegate, isOffline: true, isConfigured: false, ringBellStatus: .not_configured, pushNotificationStatus: .not_configured, isLoading: false) LocalScenariosTableView(scenarios: [], delegate: delegate, isLoading: false) GlobalScenariosTableView(scenarios: [], delegate: delegate, isLoading: false) SettingsView(isSilentModeEnabled: delegate.isSilentModeEnabled, delegate: delegate) } .tabViewStyle(.verticalPage(transitionStyle: .blur)) .tabViewStyle(.page(indexDisplayMode: .always)) .onAppear(perform: { delegate.ringBellService.register(model: self.model) model.setup(mainView: self) }) } }
Mar ’24
Reply to How to disable digital crown to scroll a List in swiftui
Thanks for your feedback. Here is my code: MainView var body: some View { if (notificationRB == true || DEBUG) { TabView { RingBellMainView(requests: [], delegate: delegate, isOffline: true, isConfigured: false, ringBellStatus: .not_configured, pushNotificationStatus: .not_configured, isLoading: false) LocalScenariosTableView(scenarios: [], delegate: delegate, isLoading: false) GlobalScenariosTableView(scenarios: [], delegate: delegate, isLoading: false) SettingsView(isSilentModeEnabled: delegate.isSilentModeEnabled, delegate: delegate) } //.tabViewStyle(.verticalPage(transitionStyle: .blur)) .tabViewStyle(.page(indexDisplayMode: .always)) .onAppear(perform: { delegate.ringBellService.register(model: self.model) model.setup(mainView: self) }) } } LocalScenariosTableView var body: some View { NavigationView { if (scenarios.isEmpty) { LocalScenariosEmptyState() .onAppear(perform: { delegate.scenarioService.register(model: self.model) model.setup(tableView: self) delegate.scenarioService.refresh(global: false, complete: { scenarios in }) }) .onReceive(timer, perform: { _ in if (!isLoading) { self.delegate.scenarioService.refresh(global: false, complete: { scenarios in }) } }) } else { List { ForEach(scenarios) { scenario in ScenariosTableViewCell(scenario: scenario, delegate: self.delegate, showProgressView: Binding.constant(false), isLoading: Binding.constant(false)) } .listRowPlatterColor(.black.opacity(0.6)) .listRowInsets(.init(top: 4, leading: 8, bottom: 4, trailing: 0)) .clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10, style: .continuous)) } .background(Image("bg") .resizable() .ignoresSafeArea() .scaledToFill()) .scrollContentBackground(.hidden) .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .topBarLeading) { Text("aw_local_scenarios".localized) .font(.headline) } } .onAppear(perform: { delegate.scenarioService.register(model: self.model) model.setup(tableView: self) delegate.scenarioService.refresh(global: false, complete: { scenarios in }) }) .onReceive(timer, perform: { _ in if (!isLoading) { self.delegate.scenarioService.refresh(global: false, complete: { scenarios in }) } }) } } } Thanks!
Mar ’24