




Images grid placement bug in Recents (Photos)
Hey there! Can you please check my feedback on a very irritating bug found by me in PHOTOS (Recents) section? Here is a feedback assistant ID: FB11523484 Problem: When I open “Recents” in my Photos library, occasionally images are not placed correctly. For example I have amount of photos which is divisible by 3, but the last one or two images move to the next row, when I zoom in/out placement is wrongly changed one more time, and finally when I scroll up to the first image and then scrolling back to the down, bug is fixed and all last three images are placed in one row. Bug is occuring again after some time / exiting Photos and opening it later. Expected when there are three images per row in photos grid: let condition = photosNum % 3 === 0 If {condition} is true then three images should be placed in the last row, not one or two Else If we need one more image to fulfill the {condition} then two images should be placed in the last row, not one or three Else If we need two more images to fulfill the {condition} then one image should be placed in the last row, not two or three Screen recording: P.S. I still can reproduce this bug with the latest update installed - iOS 16.1.1
Nov ’22