
Post marked as solved
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I have an App which moves all HTML files to my own folder on the iPhone:file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/AD332281-2ADE-4809-ABF2-F3FC3004AF42/Documents/MOTHER-APP/index.htmland:file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/AD332281-2ADE-4809-ABF2-F3FC3004AF42/Documents/MOTHER-APP/css/mother.cssThe problem is - when the App loads the index.html file into webview no CSS files are available.I have tested if the index file and the CSS file exists and it is all there.I have tried both:webView.loadHTMLString(indexfile, baseURL: baseUrl) and:webView.loadFileURL(destinationURLForFile, allowingReadAccessTo: destinationURLForFile)The HTML index file requests the CSS like this:< link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/mother.css" />
by gulfsbart.
Last updated