




Implement Apple Pay In app Provisioning as third party developer
Hi I have a question about In app Provisioning for Apple Pay. I'm a developer in company which makes application for one of banks. They want to have ability to add cards to Wallet by their app not by Wallet application. I know which functions and documentation i need to use but I have a problem with testing it. We are third party developer, have seperate teams, bank also has 3 apps for their testing environments. Bank sign agreements with Apple so they could have entitlements to check integration. And that is a question. Is there any change to check our implementation before checking it in production app? I've seen sandbox account feature: but I can' open In App provisioning window without entitlements. In Apple documentation we have statement that Apple is giving this entitlement only for production applications. So how to test it and check implementation before getting to production or without "mocking" application as production (changing id).
Import swift package dependency to project with ci/cd
Hi, I have a question about packages in swift. I need to import package from this link Readme show the way to import it with xcode. But I need to do it with gitlab-ci so I can't open xcode there and add dependency manually. And this is my question. Is there any possibility to add package dependency to target with xcodebuild or swift-cli? I've tried to do this with cocoapods but unfortunately it not working in my case. It is importing Sodium library but not Clibsodium package. I'll be very glad if someone could help me wth this case.
Aug ’24