
Post marked as solved
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I was wondering if anybody knows if it's possible for an app to use a QR code to join a Wi-Fi network - the same functionality as the iOS 11 Camera app?I have some code reading a QR Code that looks something like - "WIFI:S:name-of-network;T:WPA;P:password;;"This QR code works perfectly in the native camera app - asking the user if they'd like to join the Wi-Fi network and successfully joining if they do.When I scan the QR code in my own code, I get the following error: canOpenURL: failed for URL: "WIFI:S:name-of-network;T:WPA;P:password;;" - error: "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -10814.)"In my app, I've got URL Schemes for "prefs" and have added "wifi" in LSApplicationQueriesSchemes.Am I doing something wrong, or is this simply not possible?If it's not possible, is there anyway to use the iOS native camera functionality within an app?
by gsmithu.
Last updated