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Hi All, I am developing an app for employers to keep track of employees in a big warehouse area. It is a "house" smart phone and location is important for accountability and resource allocation. I was wondering if there is a way to have the person log into the app without an "asking permission" question. I was thinking there you could bypass the info plist but I was wondering if any of you would have any insight into this. Thanks. Garrett
by gosborne3.
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Playing around with Xcode 11.7 and I replaced ContentView with another View--did replace ContentView() in SceneDelegate with the replacement. And this is what I got this: /Users/garrettosborne/Desktop/Screen Shot 2020-09-09 at 7.03.24 PM.png The shapes on the left-hand margin when I Command-Click them give me Show Change and Discard Change and a Search area. This is related to version control but I've don't remember seeing this before. Is anyone familiar with this?
by gosborne3.
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//First Viewstruct FinanceInput: View {@State private var price: Double = 0.0@State private var down: Double = 0.0@State private var apr: Double = 0.0//I know I am not representing 'rate' correctly here--just stuck NavigationLink(destination: (FinanceOutput(price: self.$price, down: self.$down, apr: self.$apr, rate: Double))) {...get Error: 'Double.Type' is not convertible to 'Double//Second Viewstruct FinanceOutput: View { @Binding var price: Double @Binding var down: Double @Binding var apr: Double private var rate: Double { return apr/12 } // private var TotalFrequency : Float {// return mhzValue + mhzValueStep init(price: Binding<Double>, down: Binding<Double>, apr: Binding<Double>, of rate: Double) { self._price = price self._down = down self._apr = apr }
by gosborne3.
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I am trying to @State values in View1() with Sliders; example@State private var price: Double = 0.0@State private var down: Double = 0.0@State private var tax: Double = 0.0Then using @Binding values in View2() I want to use these values to make up other values:@Binding var price: Double@Binding var down: Double@Binding var tax: Doublevar taxes = price * tax //This line of code doesn't work, tried with '$' and it's still not working. I checked documentation andthis seemed to address the problem but not sure how to implement it.var transaction: TransactionThe transaction used for any changes to the binding’s value.If anyone has seen this or made something similar work I would appreciate your insights.
by gosborne3.
Last updated