




Alberta (Canada) currently has 2 competing COVID-19 Apps, an extremely un-useful standoff...
The 2 apps are: ABTraceTogether (promoted by Alberta provincial gov) COVID Alert (Canada-wide, promoted by Federal gov) Only (Federal) COVID Alert uses the Apple/Google Exposure Notification API. ABTraceTogether uses OpenTrace. Currently (1.4.0) release notes claim OpenTrace runs in background, but as far as I can tell it does not do so reliably nor without draining iPhone battery. This is based on Australian news texting app with same framework. If anyone wants to run ABTraceTogether in Alberta (and I do) that's great for them. But I'd like try understand a few things to try help enable COVID Alert in Alberta. Currently COVID Alert (in Alberta) is not being supplied with one-time keys. Apparently this is due to Alberta provincial gov insisting we use ABTraceTogether instead of COVID Alert. That is, our provincial gov in insisting we use an OpenTrace app instead of the federal one using the Google/Apple Exposure Notification API. My questions: There is no limitation keeping Alberta from supplying one-time-keys to COVID Alert, while also continuing to promote ABTraceTogether, correct? I mean both apps can be downloaded and run in Alberta already. Can the Canadian gov see install stats per-province? My own (personal app project) stats only show Canadian installs, and NOT provincial. If the feds could make the case more people in Alberta installed the federal app than the provincial one, that might help encourage Alberta gov to support the federal app. Can/should Apple reject the provincial app? If no one is using it, and it can never work properly on iPhones, there are ultimately lives at stake in my home province and my home city. I'm not sure what to do here, and I'm in no way personally involved in either app. We just have a situation in Alberta where C-19 spread is accelerating, and this COVID App showdown between provincial and federal government has been dragging on since May. If anyone in any country has seen a similar deadlock, and insight in how to help resolve it, please share any ideas. Or, any frank assessment of OpenTrace. Maybe it is worth supporting, and we simply need to give-up on ever seeing a "proper" EN-API app here?
Nov ’20
Apple TV Keyboard Game
Is it possible (App Store policy-wise) to create an Apple TV app intended to teach typing via a bluetooth keyboard? I imagine such a game could be "functional" as a game without a keyboard, but it would only be truly intended for Apple TV owners pairing a keyboard. Don't see one. I assume not because such a concept would be rejected. (Or the anticipation of rejection?) If I'm wrong, and the REAL explanation is that it is simply a stupid idea (who pairs their keyboard to Apple TV?), please let me know any insight you can offer on this. Thanks, -Gord
Oct ’20