Once again Apple insists on changing what was a simple 2-step process to move signing assets from one machine to another. The old process packaged everything neatly into one developerprofile file. Now, it is a. mishmash of moving individual assets one at a time.
Way to go Apple!
Apple Feedback FB14734097 — macOS provided a fix. The fix is posted to https://stackoverflow.com/a/78945775/1911037
Apple Feedback FB14734097 — macOS provided a fix. The fix is posted to https://stackoverflow.com/a/78945775/1911037
Correction. Feedback Report ID: FB13354011, not FB13344011
Issue still exists in macOS 15 Sequoia Developer Beta 5.
Issue still exists in macOS 15 Sequoia Developer Beta 5.
I was able to craft a solution and have posted the answer to my stackoverflow.com question: How to drag a table view item to Finder to create a folder in Catalyst App
Apple Engineer, thanks for your post.
Yes, [self.view isUserInteractionEnabled] is TRUE;
I filed a Feedback report, FB13344011, November 2023, and it wasn't until April of this year that Apple Feedback requested more information. At that time I provided 2 screencasts illustrating the non-existence of the bug on Ventura, and its existence on Sonoma. I also provided a copy of the App. Since then there has been no interaction from Apple––not even an acknowledgement of the information I sent.
Where else can I file a bug report?
Restarting Ventura 13.6.7 and Xcode 15.2 solved it for me. I spent 45 minutes trying to fix "iOS 17.5" Not Installed" with no run destinations available.
The following error message is logged whenever an attempt to select any text in the WKWebView content:
0x1359ecc18 - [pageProxyID=14, webPageID=15, PID=14,932] WebPageProxy::didFailProvisionalLoadForFrame: frameID=1, isMainFrame=1, domain=NSURLErrorDomain, code=18,446,744,073,709,550,614, isMainFrame=1, willInternallyHandleFailure=0
The following error message is logged whenever an attempt to select any text in the WKWebView content:
0x1359ecc18 - [pageProxyID=14, webPageID=15, PID=14,932] WebPageProxy::didFailProvisionalLoadForFrame: frameID=1, isMainFrame=1, domain=NSURLErrorDomain, code=18,446,744,073,709,550,614, isMainFrame=1, willInternallyHandleFailure=0
WKWebView didFailProvisionalNavigation - error="unsupported URL"
Recursively adding an NSValue encoded object to a mutable array resulted in similar crashes in AutoreleasePoolPage.
Quinn's answer led me to solve my crash in AutoreleasePoolPage:
typedef struct {
NSInteger count;
NSObject *cellObject;
} CellDataStruct;
NSMutableArray *list = [NSMutableArray array];
CellData cellData;
cellData.count = 47;
cellData.cellObject = aCellObject;
// Recursively adding an NSValue encoded object to a mutable array causes crash in AutoreleasePoolPage:
[list addObject: [NSValue value:&cellData withObjCType:@encode(CellDataStruct)]];
// Replacing with:
[list addObject:aCellObject];
// prevents crash.
My error was NSetServicesErrorCode -72008 NSNetServicesErrorDomain = 10 ("Failed to Publish Service..." and the solution was as "robotconscience" and "kjyv" have said here.