
Post marked as solved
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Seems to be around 180 hours as of today. We got message saying we hit the limit and it resets on 1st of the month.
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In my case I needed to grant access to my private repos by clicking on "Grant" and proceeding the flow in as well.
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I had the same error message, I recompiled the dependency in question to a XCFramework and it fixed the issue.
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I'm pretty sure that is correct. 38 units / 0.2 = 190 total units.
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Looks like this was 4 years ago but it is happening to me now. When I click on Activity tab, it just goes top the top page of the site (
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22 Replies
@GrayFeather, I retried many times, and I just tried now, it works!
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4 Replies
This is also happening on my brand new app as well as my 10 year old app. It did work about a month ago. I tried logging out and logging back into my Apple ID but no luck. I didn't want to install any third party SDK like Firebase Crashlytics but I'm not gonna have any other option if Apple's native tool is not working. :( I'm using Xcode 11.5.
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7 Replies
Going to in Simulator and re-authenticating my iCloud account fixed this issue for me.
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6 Replies
I found a list of classes that are "generally considered to be thread-safe". The following classes and functions are generally considered to be thread-safe. You can use the same instance from multiple threads without first acquiring a lock.  NSArray NSAssertionHandler NSAttributedString NSBundle NSCalendar NSCalendarDate NSCharacterSet NSConditionLock NSConnection NSData NSDate NSDateFormatter NSDecimal functions NSDecimalNumber NSDecimalNumberHandler NSDeserializer NSDictionary NSDistantObject NSDistributedLock NSDistributedNotificationCenter NSException NSFileManager NSFormatter NSHost NSJSONSerialization NSLock NSLog/NSLogv NSMethodSignature NSNotification NSNotificationCenter NSNumber NSNumberFormatter NSObject NSOrderedSet NSPortCoder NSPortMessage NSPortNameServer NSProgress NSProtocolChecker NSProxy NSRecursiveLock NSSet NSString NSThread NSTimer NSTimeZone NSUserDefaults NSValue NSXMLParser Object allocation and retain count functions Zone and memory functions
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Hi, thanks for your post Chad. I'm using the horizontalSizeClass because I want that rounded rectangle style in the list instead of looking like the traditional UITableView look. This issue has been fixed in Xcode 12 beta and iOS 14 beta.
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I never released my Recipe app that I mentioned in the initial post, but after 4 years, I'm back again with a new and completely different app and this time I didn't have to provide default data for everything. I just have better error handling and first time user experience than the Recipe app I created 4 years ago. I'm not sure if Apple's guideline changed.