Since sandbox purchases do not pass validation, they can not be finalized either. This makes it impossible to test the rest of the purchase flow.
I am wondering if Apple can provide updates on this. Should we expect the sandbox transactions to pass validation once iOS15 is officially released?
Update: For the moment we are able to solve this issue by using a SKProductRequest.. SKProduct includes the priceLocale which is what we need. I hope StoreKit 2 can include this information as well in the future.
Update: It was announced in WWDC 2022 that the priceLocale would be reintroduced in Product. However the latest version of the beta SDK (Xcode 14.0 beta 2) does not contain it. A reference to a currency formatter style is introduced instead, with var priceFormatStyle: Decimal.FormatStyle.Currency which should allow formatting calculated user-facing strings.