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Hi guys, I'm delveloping an app that use HealthData. I use this data: HKWorkoutType.workoutType(), HKObjectType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .heartRate)!, HKObjectType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .distanceSwimming)! I would like use Simulator to test app, but there aren't data. How can I import data? Now to test my app use only my iPhone, but in this way I don't test multiple device to test my app. Could you help me? Thank you. Filippo
by gatfil.
Last updated
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Hi guys, I have imported font (I have added in info.plist) and I use this code to import in all of project: struct swim_targetApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() .environment(\.font, Font.custom("SFCompactRounded-Regular", size: 16)) .environment(\.font, Font.custom("SFCompactRounded-Ultralight", size: 16)) .environment(\.font, Font.custom("SFCompactRounded-Thin", size: 16)) .environment(\.font, Font.custom("SFCompactRounded-Light", size: 16)) .environment(\.font, Font.custom("SFCompactRounded-Medium", size: 16)) .environment(\.font, Font.custom("SFCompactRounded-Semibold", size: 16)) .environment(\.font, Font.custom("SFCompactRounded-Bold", size: 16)) .environment(\.font, Font.custom("SFCompactRounded-Heavy", size: 16)) .environment(\.font, Font.custom("SFCompactRounded-Black", size: 16)) } } } But .title, .title3, navigationBarTitle don't use my custom font (ex 1, 2 in screenshot), but in another parts working fine (ex 3 in screenshot). Can you help me? Thank you ;)
by gatfil.
Last updated