Can someone that has the ARM release installed tell me what your kernel is?
macarm:~ layer$ softwareupdate --list
Software Update Tool
Finding available software
2020-10-13 11:13:13.542 softwareupdate[1728:514681] Creating client/daemon connection: AD818608-64ED-4697-B00A-1AC3E80D03F2
No new software available.
macarm:~ layer$ sw_vers
ProductName: macOS
ProductVersion: 11.0
BuildVersion: 20A5299w
macarm:~ layer$
We are having Xcode crashing issues.
We are having issues with memory mapping.
Is there an update?
After hours and hours and hours and hours of frustration, I finally TRIPPED over this in another forum post:
sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Seeding.framework/Versions/A/Resources/seedutil fixup
Now, softwareupdate --list shows an update.
But, no love:
macarm:~ rootsoftwareupdate -ai
Software Update Tool
Finding available software
2020-10-13 13:49:04.969 softwareupdate[1789:534964] Creating client/daemon connection: 40046C32-C842-42EA-A330-D6CBFDEA5799
Downloading macOS Big Sur Beta 9
Failed to download & prepare update: (null)
macarm:~ root
This is maddening.
I was all set to use one of my developer technical support tickets, but as I was filling it out it clearly says they don't do pre-release software.
I hope this gets to an Apple developer...
Should I file a DTS ticket for this?
Can someone that has 11.0.0 (at Apple) or someone that installed the 11.0.1 beta confirm that the bug is fixed or not?
Thank you.