




Virtual serial ports
Hello, I want to add virtual serial ports to a macOS VM (host = Sonoma, guest = Sonoma). Here is what I tried so far: option 1 I create a VZVirtioConsoleDeviceConfiguration and I add a port to it, with a VZFileHandleSerialPortAttachment connected to two pipes: let consoleDeviceConfiguration = VZVirtioConsoleDeviceConfiguration() let guestPort = VZVirtioConsolePortConfiguration() guestPort.isConsole = false = "myserialport" let guestToHostPipe = Pipe() let hostToGuestPipe = Pipe() guestPort.attachment = VZFileHandleSerialPortAttachment( fileHandleForReading: hostToGuestPipe.fileHandleForReading, fileHandleForWriting: guestToHostPipe.fileHandleForWriting ) consoleDeviceConfiguration.ports[0] = guestPort // config is my VZVirtualMachineConfiguration config.consoleDevices = [consoleDeviceConfiguration] Then after the VZVirtualMachine is instantiated, I get the runtime VZVirtioConsoleDevice for my device and I set my service as its delegate. In the guest system, the device is created with the expected name (/dev/cu.myserialport) When I open it (e.g. screen /dev/cu.myserialport 9600), the consoleDevice(_:,didOpen:) delegate method is called as expected. Then I start sending data to hostToGuestPipe.fileHandleForWriting, but I get nothing in my guest system. option 2 Instead of using config.consoleDevices, I add a VZVirtioConsoleDeviceSerialPortConfiguration to config.serialPorts and I use the same scheme as above with a VZFileHandleSerialPortAttachment and two pipes. It works, but: I can't find a way to rename the devices (/dev/cu.virtio, /dev/cu.virtio1, etc) I can't detect when the endpoint is opened/closed. Am I missing something?
Jun ’24