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The loop plays smoothly in audacity but when I run it in the device or simulator it clicks each loop at different intensities. I config the session at App level: let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance() do { try audioSession.setCategory(.playback, mode: .default, options: [.mixWithOthers]) try audioSession.setActive(true) } catch { print("Setting category session for AVAudioSession Failed") } And then I made my method on my class: func playSound(soundId: Int) { let sound = ModelData.shared.sounds[soundId] if let bundle = Bundle.main.path(forResource: sound.filename, ofType: "flac") { let backgroundMusic = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: bundle) do { audioPlayer = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf:backgroundMusic as URL) audioPlayer?.prepareToPlay() audioPlayer?.numberOfLoops = -1 // for infinite times audioPlayer?.play() isPlayingSounds = true } catch { print(error) } } } Does anyone have any clue? Thanks! PS: If I use AVQueuePlayer and repeat the item the click noise disappear (but its no use, because I would need to repeat it indefinitely without wasting memory), if I use AVLooper I get a silence between loops. All with the same sound. Idk :/ PS2: The same happens with ALAC files.
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