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Every time we release an update to our app that contains a Messages App, the Messages App icon gets broken on customer devices for iOS13 customers. Symptom is that the messages app icon of our app is missing from the app tray that sits above the keyboard. Customers see a blank icon (gray with cross hatching like you see as a dev before you add the icons to the app). Its not 100% of customers, we don't see a pattern of who gets the problem. When a customer taps the broken icon our app does not launch. To fix the problem customers either delete our app and redownload from the app store.I have confirmed that the build app has icon files in the app bundle and required entries in the messages app compiled plist file.Xcode 11 had a bug where it would not build a project without manual editing of the project xml file set the correct asset bundle for a messages app icons. This has been fixed in the newest Xcode 11.3 (11C29). This broken icons problem persists with an app build with that version of Xcode. With the previous version of Xcode having this asset bundle bug, it caused us to change the name of the icons files in an attempt to work around the Xcode bug. It seems that iOS13 fails to notice if an existing Messages App changes the name of the icon file. So an iOS13 bug in the Messages app itself?Changing the icon filenames back isn't a good approach, because of new customers who downloads and installed with the first icon filenames. We have just released an update that has the new icon filenames specificed and build into the compiled info.plist, and in addition we put copies of the icon files into the bundle with the old names (so all the icons are duplicated). Didn't seem to help, still have customers with broken messaging app. Anyone else experiencing this problem? Any advice?
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