




Reply to Actor URLSession Warning?
For what it’s worth, I get around this with a rendition that doesn’t take a delegate parameter, cutting the Gordian knot: extension URLSession { public nonisolated func download(with url: URL) async throws -> (URL, URLResponse) { try await download(from: url) } }
Jun ’23
Reply to Ordering and coloring signposts
Then you can just do the appropriate os_signpost calls. Personally, I use a helper swift class to make sure that the category is correct and the format of the strings is correct. E.g. import Foundation import os.log // MARK: - CustomPointsOfInterestLog /// Custom Points of Interest Log /// /// This allows logging of events and intervals to a custom “Points of Interest” tool in Instruments. /// /// Needless to say, this assumes that you have installed the custom Points of Interest tool in Instrumewnts. class CustomPointsOfInterestLog { fileprivate let log: OSLog init(subsystem: String) { log = OSLog(subsystem: subsystem, category: "Interval") } func event(name: StaticString = "Points", label: String, concept: EventConcept = .debug) { os_signpost(.event, log: log, name: name, InstrumentsInterval.formatString, label, concept.rawValue) } func interval<T>(name: StaticString = "Intervals", label: String, concept: EventConcept = .debug, block: () throws -> T) rethrows -> T { let interval = InstrumentsInterval(name: name, label: label, concept: concept, log: self) interval.begin() defer { interval.end() } return try block() } } // MARK: - EventConcept extension CustomPointsOfInterestLog { /// EventConcept enumeration /// /// This is used to dictate the color of the intervals in our custom instrument. /// See [Event Concept Engineering Type]( enum EventConcept: String { case success = "Success" case failure = "Failure" case fault = "Fault" case critical = "Critical" case error = "Error" case debug = "Debug" case pedantic = "Pedantic" case info = "Info" case signpost = "Signpost" case veryLow = "Very Low" case low = "Low" case moderate = "Moderate" case high = "High" case red = "Red" case orange = "Orange" case blue = "Blue" case purple = "Purple" case green = "Green" } } // MARK: - InstrumentsInterval /// Interval to be shown in custom instrument when profiling app struct InstrumentsInterval { fileprivate static let formatString: StaticString = "Label:%{public}@,Concept:%{public}@" let name: StaticString let label: String let concept: CustomPointsOfInterestLog.EventConcept let log: CustomPointsOfInterestLog let id: OSSignpostID init(name: StaticString, label: String, concept: CustomPointsOfInterestLog.EventConcept = .debug, log: CustomPointsOfInterestLog) { = name self.concept = concept self.label = label self.log = log = OSSignpostID(log: log.log) } /// Manually begin an interval func begin() { os_signpost(.begin, log: log.log, name: name, signpostID: id, Self.formatString, label, concept.rawValue) } /// Manually end an interval func end() { os_signpost(.end, log: log.log, name: name, signpostID: id) } /// Manually emit an event func event() { os_signpost(.event, log: log.log, name: name, signpostID: id, Self.formatString, label, concept.rawValue) } } And then I can do logging like so: private let log = CustomPointsOfInterestLog(subsystem: "Example") class Example { func synchronousTask() { log.interval(name: "Example", label: #function, concept: .green) { Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 2) } } } And I can see my colored output:
Jan ’22
Reply to Ordering and coloring signposts
I color my points of interest using a custom instrument <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- Instruments Developer Help: --> <package> <id>com.robertmryan.CustomInterval</id> <version>0.2</version> <title>Custom Points of Interest</title> <owner> <name>Robert Ryan</name> </owner> <import-schema>os-signpost</import-schema> <!-- See --> <os-signpost-point-schema> <id>custom-point-schema</id> <title>Points</title> <owner> <name>Robert Ryan</name> </owner> <purpose>Provide mechanism for multicolored events posted by `os_signpost`; The string generated by `os_signpost` must be in form of "Label:%d,Concept:%{public}@", where "Label" is string that will control what text appears in the event, and "Concept" is one of the strings listed in that dictates the color of the interval. No spaces after the commas within this string.</purpose> <note>That message must use that printf-style format, not embedding the values in the format string literal.</note> <!-- you can constrain this to a particular subsystem if you'd like: <subsystem>"com.domain.MyApp"</subsystem> --> <category>"Interval"</category> <name>?name</name> <pattern> <message>"Label:" ?label ",Concept:" ?concept</message> </pattern> <column> <mnemonic>name</mnemonic> <title>Name</title> <type>string</type> <expression>?name</expression> </column> <column> <mnemonic>label</mnemonic> <title>Label</title> <type>string</type> <expression>?label</expression> </column> <column> <mnemonic>concept</mnemonic> <title>Concept</title> <type>event-concept</type> <expression>?concept</expression> </column> </os-signpost-point-schema> <os-signpost-interval-schema> <id>custom-interval-schema</id> <title>Intervals</title> <owner> <name>Robert Ryan</name> </owner> <purpose>Provide mechanism for multicolored intervals posted by `os_signpost`; The string generated by `os_signpost` must be in form of "Label:%d,Concept:%{public}@", where "Label" is string that will control what text appears in the interval, and "Concept" is one of the strings listed in that dictates the color of the interval. No spaces after the commas within this string.</purpose> <note>That message must use that printf-style format, not embedding the values in the format string literal.</note> <!-- you can constrain this to a particular subsystem if you'd like: <subsystem>"com.domain.MyApp"</subsystem> --> <category>"Interval"</category> <name>?name</name> <start-pattern> <message>"Label:" ?label ",Concept:" ?concept</message> </start-pattern> <column> <mnemonic>name</mnemonic> <title>Name</title> <type>string</type> <expression>?name</expression> </column> <column> <mnemonic>label</mnemonic> <title>Label</title> <type>string</type> <expression>?label</expression> </column> <column> <mnemonic>concept</mnemonic> <title>Concept</title> <type>event-concept</type> <expression>?concept</expression> </column> </os-signpost-interval-schema> <instrument> <id>com.robertmryan.CustomInterval.instrument</id> <title>Custom Points of Interest</title> <category>Behavior</category> <purpose>Provide multi-colored intervals as dictated by the "event-concept" parsed from the `start-pattern` string.</purpose> <icon>Points of Interest</icon> <limitations></limitations> <create-table> <id>custom-interval-table</id> <schema-ref>custom-interval-schema</schema-ref> </create-table> <create-table> <id>custom-point-table</id> <schema-ref>custom-point-schema</schema-ref> </create-table> <graph> <title>Custom Interval Graph</title> <lane> <title>Points</title> <table-ref>custom-point-table</table-ref> <plot-template> <instance-by>name</instance-by> <label-format>%s</label-format> <value-from>name</value-from> <color-from>concept</color-from> <label-from>label</label-from> </plot-template> </lane> <lane> <title>Intervals</title> <table-ref>custom-interval-table</table-ref> <plot-template> <instance-by>name</instance-by> <label-format>%s</label-format> <value-from>name</value-from> <color-from>concept</color-from> <label-from>label</label-from> <qualified-by>layout-qualifier</qualified-by> </plot-template> </lane> </graph> <list> <title>Custom Regions of Interest</title> <table-ref>custom-interval-table</table-ref> <column>name</column> <column>label</column> <column>concept</column> <column>start</column> <column>duration</column> </list> <list> <title>Custom Points of Interest</title> <table-ref>custom-point-table</table-ref> <column>name</column> <column>label</column> <column>concept</column> </list> </instrument> </package>
Jan ’22