Hi everyone,
We came an issue that, In some scenarios in our app we cannot fetch any resources from device (Photo and Contact).
One case we catched is putting app in background and spending time in other commonly used apps and coming back to our app cause this issue but there is a small chance that get this issue during using the application.
In cell, we are trying to fetch the image like this
imageFetchTask = Task {
let image = await CompositionRoot.shared.photosManager.image(requestType: .imageCollections, forId: photoAsset.photoId)
and inner layers of this code we get the PHAsset and request image
PHAsset.firstAsset(for: id)
let manager = PHImageManager.default()
manager.requestImage(for: asset, targetSize: request.targetSize, contentMode: .aspectFill, options: request.options) { (image, info) in
continuation.resume(returning: image)
We figured out that issue not happening only in Photos also Contacts and
any web request. So any help according to this situation is well appreciated.