




ImageCaptureCore: Problem getting Burst images
My Mac application needs to download all of the images in a burst on my iPhone. I’m attempting to do this by opening a ICCameraDevice and then parsing all of the files in the mediaFiles array. However, when I loop thru the ICCameraFiles in the mediaFiles array, several of the files in the burst collection are missing. For example, when I download the images to Photos on my Mac, I can see that the burst has files A, B, C, D, and E. However, the mediaFiles array only contains ICCameraFiles for A, B and C. If I use the ICCameraDevice’s contents property, I have the same situation. Similar results also occur if I use the array from the -filesOfType: method. Has anyone else seen this situation? (Configuration of the ICCameraDevice is minimal, so I don’t think I’m setting it up incorrectly.) Is there an alternate approach or another API that I should be trying? Hints? Suggestions? Thanks in advance. Douglas
Mar ’21
Missing .XIB Objects: Migrating existing code to the new look of macOS Big Sur
I have several Objective-C based Mac applications that need to updated to match the new sidebar/full-window-content look of Big Sur. Unfortunately, when I bring up the object library in the .XIB files in my project, I cannot find the objects mentioned in the WWDC video ("Adopt the new look of macOS"). Are objects like NSSplitViewController, NSSplitViewItem and the NSWindowController with a Split View going to be made available in the final release? If not, is there a way for me to adopt the new look without moving my .XIB files to Storyboards? Regards,
Jun ’20