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There's been similar requests a few years back with references to internal rdar urls and without clear resolution, so here we go again:My company has developed a hybrid web/native application that currently uses WKScriptMessages to pass data between a WKWebView and the native part of the application. However for performance reasons the idea to switch to WebSockets to save some significant overhead was tabled.The main issue lies in the fact that, while the native part of the application can provide a WebSocket server listening to connections on localhost, there seems to be no way to have the client connect to the local server if the web part is loaded via "https://" (which is a requirement). Normal unsecured connections (ws://) get blocked for mixed-content reasons and any attempt to provide a self-signed SSL-certificate for this specific server instance result in an invalid certificate chain (OSError -9807) when attempting to connect from the WKWebView.It seems possible to hook into the WKWebView's SSL validation to get regular https:// requests to load with a self-signed certificate but the same is not possible with the connection validation for WebSockets.Likewise the validations can be softened / partially disabled by adding the required ATS exceptions but these too are ignored by WebSocktes.Is there any way to work around this?Why does the WebSocket implementation in WKWebView use a completely separate handling of all these validations?
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