I use the App Store Connect API with my XCode Cloud setup to update a Workflow description. Specifically PATCH https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/ciWorkflows/{id}. A few days ago this API call stopped working, the API gives a 409 error and reports "You must provide a value for the attribute 'startConditions' with this request". I can't find anything about this attribute in the documentation if there has been a change. I tried adding it, but the API reports that this attribute doesn't exist. Has anyone else found this or has any suggestions?
Hello. I'm using XCode Cloud to replace an existing fastlane workflow where the end result is to post an IPA to in internal Slack channel. I've written a ci_post_xcbuildscipt.sh and it runs:
xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ${CI_ARCHIVE_PATH} -exportPath ${EXPORT_PATH} -exportOptionsPlist ${EXPORT_OPTIONS} -authenticationKeyIssuerID ${AUTH_KEY_ISSUER_ID} -authenticationKeyID ${AUTH_KEY_ID} -authenticationKeyPath ${AUTH_KEY_PATH} -allowProvisioningUpdates
My problem is resigning the IPA with the environment variables set as secrets. The autenticationKeyPath expects to be a file, but I'm only able to pass strings as environment variables.
I tried passing the key as a string and in my script writing it to a file, but the result is always an empty file. I've tested locally and this idea works, so I think it's a consequence of how the environment variables are protected when marked as a secret.
Any suggestions on how I could successfully export my archive but keep the key a secret?