




Xcode 12.3 editor deletes brace pair
The Xcode 12.3 editor is deleting both characters in a pair of sequential braces/brackets/parentheses with a single press of the 'delete' key, even though brace matching is turned off in the preferences. Is there a new preference somewhere I can use to turn off this behaviour? It's extremely disruptive when typing quickly.
Dec ’20
Can't resize the Xcode navigator pane in Big Sur
I just upgraded to Big Sur and now I can't resize the navigator pane in Xcode 12.3--a major problem when a project has a directory structure deeper than two levels. Other apps (Finder, Safari) don't seem affected. More information: Not all projects/workspaces are affected. The project that was is one generated using cmake, and re-generating that project has fixed the problem.
Dec ’20
OpenGL in Yosemite: drawInCGLContext not called
The MacOS application I'm working on renders using Metal when available, but falls back to using OpenGL via CAOpenGLLayer for older OS versions.In Mac OS 10. Mac OS 10.10 (Yosemite), when the window is full screen, the layer's canDrawInCGLContext:pixelFormat:forLayerTime:displayTime: method is called (and returns YES), but after the first frame, calls to drawInCGLContext:pixelFormat:forLayerTime:displayTime: do not happen.The same behaviour occurs whether the layer is set to asynchronous, or when using explicit calls to setNeedsDisplay.Drawing in a non-fullscreen window works as expected.A simplified test app using CAOpenGLLayer works as expected. The main app uses SDL for window management (but not rendering), which could be a complication.Mac OS 10.11 and up work as expected.Does anyone have any ideas about why drawInCGLContext would not be called when canDrawInCGLContext returns YES?(I don't have direct access to the test computer running Yosemite so debugging this is pretty roundabout.)Thanks,-- dwn
Apr ’20