




Apple Silicon Mac Support
I cannot find any links that show me where to get help for the Apple Silicon Mac program. This entire experience has been a nightmare. Now the device will no longer let me log in and I can't seem to put it into a mode where it will reinstall from scratch. I wish I had saved our money and never had any part of this program. This hardware is not mature enough even for alpha and beta testing of anything. Who do I contact? Where do I contact them?
Oct ’20
Multipeer iOS 14 Error -72008
We have used MPC to advertise and browse for a config service for our app. All was working fine but now when we try and use this building our app with Xcode 12 and installing on iOS 14 on an iPhone we no longer can advertise or browse for our service. We have added the local network privacy string to our info.plist and also added Bonjour Services to our info.plist as well. We have a service named "zconfig-cfg" and we have tried many different variations of listing it in the Bonjour Services ... we have followed other examples and tried "zonfig-cfg.tcp" and "zconfig-cfg.upd" and variations without the leading underscore as well. Whenever we try and advertise or call browse we are getting this error code "missingRequiredConfigurationError". What are we possibly missing? This was working fine when we ran it on iOS 13. It also worked on iOS 14 when we installed our app that was built with Xcode 11. Now when we build with Xcode 12 and install it direct to an iOS 14 device we cannot figure out what we are missing.
Sep ’20