




Reply to Not able to get Apple Watch Ultra Action Button Support working
I've figured the issue on my end so thought I'd share as well in case it helps everyone out. In my case I was trying to define the caseDisplayRepresentations for one of my App Enums dynamically using static var caseDisplayRepresentations: [WorkoutType : DisplayRepresentation] = Dictionary<WorkoutType, DisplayRepresentation>(uniqueKeysWithValues: { ($0, DisplayRepresentation(stringLiteral: $0.localizedName)) }) This doesn't seem to be supported by the appintentsmetadataprocessor. I figured this out while reading the full build logs for a different reason and stumbled upon the following lines: 2023-02-11 09:29:43.852 appintentsmetadataprocessor[73327:5009856] Starting appintentsmetadataprocessor export 2023-02-11 09:29:44.041 appintentsmetadataprocessor[73327:5009856] error: At least one halting error produced during export. No AppIntents metadata have been exported and this target is not usable with AppIntents until errors are resolved. 2023-02-11 09:29:44.041 appintentsmetadataprocessor[73327:5009856] error: invalid 'caseDisplayRepresentations' for TimerNinja.WorkoutType, representations must be exhaustive and include all cases for this enum. 2023-02-11 09:29:44.042 appintentsmetadataprocessor[73327:5009856] error: cannot extract 'caseDisplayRepresentations' for TimerNinja.WorkoutType, is not a compile-time constant value
Feb ’23