




Reply to Unkown WKExtension Error
Yes, I am also using the SwiftUI life cycle and have an identical extension declaration to yours in both the App and Info.plist. I am quite certain that this is how you declare the extension delegate since the debugger will print an error if you try scheduling a background task without declaring it in this way. Perhaps we are missing a step. On that note, I can't seem to schedule background tasks. My handle( ) method never receives a WKApplicationRefreshBackgroundTask after the following code block is called: func scheduleBackgroundUpdate() {     let fireDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 10)           print("\nActivityManager: Scheduled background process will run at: \(fireDate.description)\n")           WKExtension.shared().scheduleBackgroundRefresh(withPreferredDate: fireDate, userInfo: nil)     { (error) in       if error == nil {         print("\nWKExtension: Scheduled background process successfully.")       }       else {         print("WKExtension: Could not schedule background process.")       }     }   } error always results in nil, indicating that it should work, but I never receive an event update. I do get event updates for applicationDidFinishLaunching and WKSnapshotRefreshBackgroundTask, however. Do you have any idea why this might be? Thank you.
Jul ’20