




Missing Every Other didExitRegion Event from LocationManager while iPhone is asleep
Preface:location is set to always. monitoring has been started with the iBeacon UUID to be monitored. App service is running in the background Problem: Not always receiving entry events when our product first starts transmitting advertising packets. Upon further investigation it was determined that this was because we didn't always receive the exit event after our product was done transmitting. Therefore, we don't see an entry event from the same UUID. Our missed events occur when the phone is asleep. Testing was done with the product sending advertising packets every 5 minutes or so for 30 seconds. In addition, exit events are not missed while the phone is plugged in and charging, but still asleep. When our app fails to receive the didExitRegion at the end of the previous transmission from the location manager and our device starts transmitting the beacon again, we don't see the didEnterRegion, however at the end of this subsequent transmission, we do get the didExitRegion Event. Hence the cause of the every other transmission receiving the didExitRegion. Questions: Does the locationManager function differently depending on if the phone is plugged in vs unplugged while asleep? What methods can we implement in our app to ensure exit events are captured ~(30 - 40) seconds after our iBeacon has stopped transmitting even while the phone is asleep and unplugged? Thanks!
Oct ’20