Well - no answer yet...
Here's a version of Sandwich.swift you can copy & paste.
// Sandwich.swift
// Sandwich
// Created by David on 6/23/20.
// Copyright © 2020 Life Works IQ Consulting. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
struct Sandwich {
var id = UUID()
var name: String
var ingredientCount: Int
var isSpicy: Bool = false
var imageName: String { return name }
var thumbnailName: String { return name + "Thumb"}
let testData = [
Sandwich(name: "Club", ingredientCount: 4, isSpicy: false),
Sandwich(name: "Pastrami on rye", ingredientCount: 4, isSpicy: true),
Sandwich(name: "French dip", ingredientCount: 3, isSpicy: false),
Sandwich(name: "Banh mi", ingredientCount: 5, isSpicy: true),
Sandwich(name: "Ice cream sandwich", ingredientCount: 2, isSpicy: false),
Sandwich(name: "Croque madame", ingredientCount: 4, isSpicy: false),
Sandwich(name: "Hot dog", ingredientCount: 2, isSpicy: true),
Sandwich(name: "Fluffernutter", ingredientCount: 2, isSpicy: false),
Sandwich(name: "Avocado toast", ingredientCount: 3, isSpicy: true),
Sandwich(name: "Gua bao", ingredientCount: 4, isSpicy: true),
Sure would be sweet to have the sandwich images ....
Searching GitHub... I found this:
GitHub bymarting Sandwiches - https://github.com/bymartin/Sandwiches
I've started a GitHub project with the initial files - I've included some image assets and the Sandwich.swift data file.
I found my own image resources and have started a project on GitHub https://github.com/davidakoontz/Sandwichs-iOS14-WWDC-Tutorial
You can clone the StarterFiles Tag and start at the beginning with the video walk thru...
I'm about half way thru the videos & the tutorial... last night.
In addition to Paul Hudson's great work on SwiftUI there is a Udemy course (it goes on sell regularly)
iOS 13 & Swift 5 - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp I've enjoyed that course a lot - it has many details and lots of content.
by Dr Angela Yu
Nice to see Snake out on NYC and playing with the people. Thanks!
Weird in Xcode Version 12.0 beta (12A8158a) I'm getting:
"Unable to prepare a playground execution environment." and no canvas come up to view the running code.... pondering...
I'd love to run this and see its layout - I bet it's very close to what I need. Xcode 12 is not cooperating.
YES! Thanks - that's what I was thinking. I believe I can flesh it out from there. So there's no Swifty Control that's doing this layout - it's just a composite of views and the ZStack. Interesting... Thank you for the HELP!
Finished up the app today - noted some weird difference with the Edit / Add button tool bar. The tool bar is at the bottom of the screen (not top :^)
Hello all,
I'm wanting to code something similar. Right now I have a List - which does a vertical scroll just naturally. I assumed (what an ) that I'd just add a modifier to make List(.horizontal) but the compiler rejected that real fast. That resulted in about 6 google searches (one found this thread) with no easy results. Next (should have been first) went to Mark Moeykens Swift UI Views Mastery book (awesome resource) - quickly found that I needed to sub out the List for a ScrollView that can do HORIZONTAL!! But my first Purview/Canvas test proved it was not just a drop in replacement for List. It compiled but the views I have in the list display with differently colored white space.
So now that I've a view that can handle up&down as well as side-to-side... I need the env to tell my view which one it should use.
I'm confused by the Apple docs... (imagine that Apple - - take some of the nest egg and hire some Tech-Writers for the developers you make so much money with!)
what the heck is this trying very hard to tell me??
Starting in iOS 8, you should employ the UITraitCollection and UITraitEnvironmentAPIs, and size class properties as used in those APIs, instead of using UIInterfaceOrientation constants or otherwise writing your app in terms of interface orientation.
Important -in a nice ugly yellow box-
Notice that UIDeviceOrientation.landscapeRight is assigned to UIInterfaceOrientation.landscapeLeft and UIDeviceOrientation.landscapeLeft is assigned to UIInterfaceOrientation.landscapeRight. The reason for this is that rotating the device requires rotating the content in the opposite direction.
This UIInterfaceOrientation.isPortrait seems like the call I'd want to shove into the ScrollView
ScrollView( UIInterfaceOrientation.isPortrait ? .horizontal : .vertical ) { ... }
I'm trying to decipher the notes ... about versions ... is it supported ? is it supported in 14+ and beyond? Or am I that can not understand the docs English?
this kind of info helps so much when pair/mob programming - and remote coding! I'd love to know if anyone has an app for this?
E.G Jetbrains 7345 Presentation Assistant
I have Xcode Version 13.3 (13E113) and have a similar compiler error Expected declaration on line:
if #available(iOS 15, *) {
Inside a View struct.
I've started see these similar error in Xcode 14 BETA.
Trailing closure passed to parameter of type 'HorizontalAlignment' that does not accept a closure
I've resolved it once by wrapping my contents inside a Group {} - SwiftUI block. ... might work...