How is your universal link connected to the HightlightCenter. For example, once your App Delegate recognizes your universal link with your shared content, do you pass that link to the HightLight center or do something else with it?
How did you get the system to call the highlightCenter delegate function? I can't seem to get that working. I have universal links working that recognize the URL of the content I share. If I tap on the content in Messages, it does open my app but it is not showing up in my shelf for Shared With You and it doesn't call the delegate function.
This actually worked for me just now for iOS 14.8 on iPad. Thanks!
thanks for the hint on this. I found that this works but you have to add a -c after metal so it should be:
`xcrun -sdk iphoneos metal -c -std=ios-metal1.1 -mios-version-min=8.0 Shaders.metal -o CameraShader.air
I still see this issue with Xcode 13.1 and macOS Monterey 12.0.1. I read that this might be Firebase related, which I am using but I am not using XPC.