




Reply to drawsAsynchronously doesn't update correctly + related crash?
Just in case if someone is using a NSView with a drawsAsynchronously layer: self.wantsLayer = true; self.layer.drawsAsynchronously = true; And some rectangles are not painted (there are black areas in the NSView from time to time), this might happen because we use setNeedsDisplayInRect - and then displayIfNeeded - immediately. The solution is removing the displayIfNeeded call: NSView* view = window.contentView; [view setNeedsDisplayInRect: ...]; //[view displayIfNeeded] <-- Cannot be used because the view might not be painted yet (and a black area is displayed)
Aug ’20
Reply to "an error occurred trying to capture leaks data"
Same error when trying to run Leaks for a macOS application (compiled in debug mode) from the GUI and the command line (instruments -t Leaks program_name): Terminal output: [ERROR] Run issues detected (trace is still ready to be viewed): Error retrieving leak information. An error occurred trying to capture Leaks data.Error retrieving leak information. Instruments Version 11.5 (11E608c) (64535.75)
Jul ’20