




App Extensions do not contain correct iCloud Key Value Store identifier in provisioning profile after app transfer
I recently completed an app transfer from one developer account to another (both controlled by me). The old team ID was GZS3K47B3Y, the new one is LRG5645LP7. Almost everything is working properly, but I am seeing that my iCloud Key-Value store (NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore) is no longer shared across my app and app extensions after the transfer. Previously, my app and app extensions all shared a single iCloud Key-Value store, and they could all read/write to the same iCloud synced store. This is no longer working after the app transfer. According to this support page ( "If your app uses iCloud Key-Value Storage (KVS), the full KVS value will be embedded in any new provisioning profiles you create for the transferred app. Update your entitlements plist with the full KVS value in your provisioning profile." This seems to be the case for the main app, whose provisioning profile contains the full value: But the app extension's provisioning profile now contains: LRG5645LP7.* Is there a way to update the app extension provisioning profile to also include the original identifier from before the transfer, so that I can continue to share iCloud KVS access across the app and extension? Thanks!
Nov ’24