




cannot display pins near the user's location
I have more than 2000 location pins in SwiftData. My model like this: @Model class HaritaModel { let id: Int let sto_title: String let sto_latitude: Double let sto_longitude: Double let sto_address: String let sto_city: String let sto_country: String init(id: Int, sto_title: String, sto_latitude: Double, sto_longitude: Double, sto_address: String, sto_city: String, sto_country: String) { = id self.sto_title = sto_title self.sto_latitude = sto_latitude self.sto_longitude = sto_longitude self.sto_address = sto_address self.sto_city = sto_city self.sto_country = sto_country } } I want to take the user's location and show them the pins at a certain distance. I want these pins to be dynamically updated when the user pan or zoom the map. The code I am trying to write is as follows: // // HaritaTest.swift // import SwiftUI import MapKit import SwiftData struct HaritaTest: View { @Environment(\.modelContext) private var contextHarita @Query private var harita: [HaritaModel] @State private var userPosition: MapCameraPosition = .userLocation(fallback: .automatic) @State private var userCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D? var body: some View { Text("Total Boutique \(harita.count)") Map(initialPosition: { userPosition }) { haritaView in ForEach(harita) { point in if let userCoordinate = userCoordinate, let stoLatitude = point.sto_latitude, let stoLongitude = point.sto_longitude, let latitude = Double(stoLatitude), let longitude = Double(stoLongitude) { let coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude) if haritaView.contains(coordinate: coordinate) { MapPin(coordinate: coordinate) } } } } .onAppear { CLLocationManager().requestWhenInUseAuthorization() getUserLocation() } } private func getUserLocation() { if let userLocation = CLLocationManager().location { userCoordinate = userLocation.coordinate } } } struct HaritaTest_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { HaritaTest() } } can you support me? thanks in advance
Apr ’24