
Post marked as solved
2 Replies
When my push certificate expired, I tried to switch to an APNs key instead, without changing my code.Devices do receive my local notifications, which make me think my keys are set correctly, bu they do not receive background data notifications. How can I figure out where this is failing, e.g. are there some APNs logs for my account? I also have FCM in the middle, but my request to them goes through without an issue, so I have to assume it's making its way through to Apple...
by craiggers.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
13 Replies
I'm getting some 0x8b4df00d errors, and I'd like to prevent them...The basic pattern I'm using is to begin a background task, start background session upload tasks, and then end my background task. With some logging, I've verified that I'm calling endBackgroundTask for each beginBackgroundTask, and my crash reports don't show any http activity on the main thread.Anywhere else I should look for the cause of 0x8b4df00d problems? I saw in another thread to do a sysdiagnose for more info, but my crashes often happen in the middle of the night as a result of a push notification, so I don't think that's practical in this case. I log to a SQLite database and then send up later, so that's one way I can get more info about what's going on; is there some logging I can do to help find this issue?
by craiggers.
Last updated