




Reply to Library validation and CoreMedia I/O plug-ins
Hello, I would also like to know if there is any new information here, this has been quite a big issue on the video engineering/video calling side of things for quite a while now, I've also submitted multiple tickets, feedback assistant requests and have not heard back yet. I did email the person replying here and I was told that this issue was merged with another ticket (Which we cannot see/read) which makes it impossible to see feedback and follow up on this issue.
Jul ’20
Reply to Library validation and CoreMedia I/O plug-ins
Hey @eskimo, Just wanted to know if there was any new information on this front you could provide, with working from home being more and more common, this issue is ever growing. Especially as of recently, Sony and some other camera manufacturers are creating virtual webcams that use CoremediaIO DAL plugins so they do not work with 90% of applications.
Oct ’20