I suspect MapReader may open the door to effectively track annotation coordinates as they are being dragged in Map. Similar to existing capabiltiies in MKMapView. I see that MapProxy contains a function called coordinatesFrom.
Please provide a sample or any level of documentation that will explain how to properly instrument these with a Map.
Particulary how to take advantage of this new function in MapProxy.
Thank you
Does the new mapCameraKeyframeAnimator modifier contain any type of completion logic? I need to be able to identify when the keyframe animation completes. I am currently using a hack by setting a timer and checking in onMapCameraChange. There must be a better way.
If I load a map while my device is online, I can access this map offline via the default caching mechanism. I need to be able to identify if a map cache is unavailable when my device is offline and react accordingly. For example, if I am offline and I load a map and the cache is unavailable i.e the map tiles are greyed out, I want to display a message to the user. The AppKit delegate had a method to identify when a map loaded but I do not see an equivilient way of doing this in Map. Any ideas?